
Object Model - Additional Properties

This section provides an overview of the properties which are not supported by all ToolTipsFactory tooltip components. The reference pages will indicate which of the components expose the specific property. The properties are listed below in alphabetical order. To navigate to the reference page of a specific property, just click on the icon in the left column:


defines the alignment of text in the tooltip.
This property holds ToolTipsFactory animation-clips to be displayed by either the AnimationToolTip-component as main content or by the SingleLineToolTip as adornment.
controls whether the tooltip should enforce the defined DefaultWidth or if it should adapt it's size dynamically to the content to be displayed.
defines the background-color of the tooltip content.
This property defines the BackgroundStyle for the tooltip.
This Color-collection holds all the colors used to paint tooltip-backgrounds with color-gradients.
A value from 0 through 1 that specifies the center of the gradient. This value is only significant for layouts where Background=LinearGradient and BackgroundGradientShape <> GradientShape.Linear.
defines how many times the gradient (from StartColor to EndColor) will be repeated in the background gradient-drawing. This value is only significant for layouts where Background=LinearGradient.
specifies the Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode to be used to draw the tooltip background. This value is only significant for layouts where Background=LinearGradient.
creates a gradient falloff based on the shape selected from a predefined list of shapes. This value is only significant for layouts where Background=LinearGradient.
This property holds the foreground (or line) color for the hatch-pattern assigned to BackgroundHatchStyle. This value is only significant for layouts where Background=Hatch.
defines the hatch-pattern used to paint the tooltip-border. This value is only significant for layouts where Background=Hatch.
holds the texture used to paint the tooltip-border. The texture can be any kind of Image supported by the .NET-framework. This value is only significant for layouts where Background=Texture.
defines the font to be used for text displayed by the tooltip.
The color used for the font defined by the Font-property.
This Color-collection holds all the colors used to paint the font-surface of Font with color-gradients. This value is only significant for layouts where TextStyle=LinearGradient.
A value from 0 through 1 that specifies the center of the gradient. This value is only significant for layouts where TextStyle=LinearGradient and FontGradientShape <> GradientShape.Linear.
defines how many times the gradient (from StartColor to EndColor) will be repeated in the gradient-painting used to render the font-surface of Font. This value is only significant for layouts where TextStyle=LinearGradient.
specifies the Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode to be used to draw the tooltip text (using the font specified in Font). This value is only significant for layouts where TextStyle=LinearGradient.
creates a gradient falloff based on the shape selected from a predefined list of shapes. This value is only significant for layouts where TextStyle=LinearGradient.
This property holds the foreground (or line) color for the hatch-pattern assigned to FontHatchStyle. This value is only significant for layouts where TextStyle=Hatch
defines the hatch-pattern used to paint the font-surface of Font. This value is only significant for layouts where TextStyle=Hatch.
This flag defines if the text displayed in the tooltip should be rendered with a shadow.
holds the texture used to paint the font-surface of Font. The texture can be any kind of Image supported by the .NET-framework. This value is only significant for layouts where TextStyle=Texture.
holds the image to be displayed by the ImageToolTip-component.
holds the symbol to be placed next to text displayed in a SingleLineToolTip. The symbol can be any kind of Image supported by the .NET-framework.
defines whether Symbol should be placed on the left or the right side of the text in a SingleLineToolTip.
holds the text to be displayed in either a SingleLine- or a MultiLineToolTip.
This property defines the TextDrawingStyle for the text displayed in the tooltip.